Tuesday 12 October 2010

Whats going on SMART

During the summer a vast amount of work was carried out by the web designers, team members and the researcher. Regular meetings to ensure that the model being developed, reflected our understanding of the resource required and also incorporated the content of the mentors who helped the team focus. The use case models were adapted and debated, so that the structure of the system reflected our now greater understanding of the user’s needs.

Unfortunately many changes have occurred over the life span of the project. Both internally and externally, mentors have moved on and organisational changes have seen possible gaps in service. Organisations have changed their methods of educational delivery and some mentors have relinquished their mentor role within their organisations.

However there are some positives and they have been, the continued support of direct team members. The team is fully aware of the user’s needs and the direction of the resource and its place in knowledge transfer. We continue to exhaust our understanding and challenge the resource itself.

JISC provides a variety of tools to check resources, inclusive learning and their development. Items such as infrastructure; authentication, how do users access our resource and the links to other areas that maybe involved; communication, type of language and fonts; minimising risks; maximising opportunities. There are other review mechanisms both internal and external that we have considered and these are on going features in the development of the project.